Special Programs


Our special programs benefit over 1,000 children each year! For information on how to get involved in our special programs, make sure you’re following us on our Facebook page @NHsince1969 for announcements. If you are interested volunteering for any of these special programs, please contact Michele at volunteer@ranh.org. If you are looking to receive assistance from one of our special programs, please talk with your case manager or visit Get Help.


Holiday Giving Tree Program

Children are able to request two gifts that we add to the "giving tree." Generous community members then shop for these gifts. On the day of the event, parents are able to pick up the presents for each of their children, along with pajamas, cold weather gear, books, stocking stuffers, stuffed animals, and more.


Blast Off 2 School

The community comes together to donate school supplies for children in our community who are in need of school supplies for the year. Neighborhood House clients with kids can register for this event as well as those in our community who qualify for free and reduced lunch. We partner with Ascension Providence Rochester and the Assistance League of Southeastern Michigan. Ascension provides free health assessments to those who sign up.


Easter Baskets

Each year, we collect Easter Basket donations and distribute them to families in need.


Thanksgiving Baskets

We collect Thanksgiving food donations and distribute baskets with all the needs of a Thanksgiving dinner.